for children ages 3-12

Play Therapy

You know your child needs help.

You’re considering Play Therapy and want to learn more.

What is Play Therapy?

As the Association for Play Therapy writes:

“Child Play Therapy is a way of being with the child that honors their unique developmental level and looks for ways of helping in the “language” of the child – play.”

The Play Therapist creates an environment of safety and connection in which a child is able to explore their feelings, thoughts, and experiences through their play.

In Play Therapy sessions, I follow your child’s play, reflect and validate their feelings and experiences, and invite new perspectives and opportunities to bringing growth and healing.

Children are naturally inclined toward positive growth; the play therapy environment provides the opportunity for your child to work through fears and develop adaptive coping skills.

In Play Therapy toys are viewed as the child’s words and play as the child’s language.
— Garry Landreth and Sue Bratton

Play is the natural way children communicate.

Children have a rich inner life which they express symbolically through play. Your child may talk a lot and, yet, developmentally they still do not have the ability to always describe their feelings and experiences verbally. This is why play therapy is so helpful!

In Play Therapy children:

  • learn to regulate their emotions

  • practice responding appropriately to boundaries

  • develop self-esteem and self-efficacy

  • learn social skills

  • release stress

  • practice expressing their feelings in appropriate and adaptive ways

  • heal from hurtful and traumatic experiences

Read more about my approach to Play Therapy on the blog.

Ready to get started?

Reach out to schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation