Child Therapy for Kids ages 3-12

in St. Louis, Missouri

This isn’t the childhood you want for your kid.

You’re worried for your child because she seems to constantly feel on edge, overwhelmed by seemingly small annoyances. She ends up exploding (or completely shutting down) at school and at home.

You love that she is sensitive, empathic, and caring, but you worry that she is too sensitive. She gets easily overwhelmed by her big feelings and you don’t always know how to help her calm down. It feels impossible to leave for work or drop your child off at school without her crying and melting down. You’re walking on eggshells not knowing when something will upset her next.

You long to see your child having fun and enjoying childhood without the big worries and frequent meltdowns.

Parents bring their kids to me when they have tried everything to help their child manage their worries and anxiety, and their best efforts are just not working. Maybe your child’s school suggested seeking out therapy. Either way, I’m happy you’re here!

Therapy may be a good fit for your child if:

  • They constantly seem worried, nervous, and/or afraid to go places without you

  • They have experienced a difficult life event or trauma (recently or long ago)

  • They frequently have nightmares, panic attacks, or big meltdowns

  • Your family life is taking a hit due to your child’s worrisome behaviors

  • School resources aren’t able to provide the in-depth support your child needs to heal from past trauma or manage their big feelings

You don’t have to do this alone! I’m here to help your child and your family

What does therapy for kids look like?

I start with the parents.

First, I meet with you. During the parent intake, we discuss your concerns for your child, the ways you’d like to see improvement, and the strengths and resources your kid already has. I learn about your child’s life so far and the people important to them. We review some paperwork and discuss expectations for how therapy will unfold. I use the parent intake to gather essential information about your kid and your family. I’m also here to help you parent your child; we can set up regular parent coaching sessions to update each other on progress and discuss parenting strategies.

Most parents leave this first meeting feeling hopeful and relieved that someone else is investing in their child’s well-being.

Learn more about the intake process on the blog.

Next, I meet your child!

I’ll meet your child for our first therapy session together, which usually involves playing, art-making, games, and some talking, too. As a play therapist, I always incorporate play therapy into my therapeutic approach. More on that here.

Parents, I’ll have you walk your child into the playroom and help them get settled for the first session. The therapy room is full of toys, art supplies, and comfy surfaces. Most kids love it here, even if they feel a little nervous at first. Plus, I’m warm, friendly, and fun!

In therapy, kids use play to express their fears and worries and to process difficult and confusing experiences. I meet with children weekly; this consistency helps build trust and allows for momentum to build in our therapeutic work.

You want to be the best parent for your child.

Many of my client’s parents are paving the way for a new family culture. The home(s) these parents grew up in did not always hold space for their big emotions or accept them for who they are. Their family of origin did not model their ideal parenting approach. These parents are setting out into uncharted territory. I help parents figure out how to get from their current reality to the vision they have of a healthy family. 

I imagine your story might be similar.

You long to be the best parent you can be for your child.

You’re noticing worries, big feelings, and frequent meltdowns in your child and you’re not sure how to respond. You want to help your child to feel safe to experience and share all of their emotions without judgment and you want your kid to thrive.  

When you bring your child to me for play therapy, I also work with YOU to provide parenting support. Think of this as parent coaching with someone who actually understands your kid and the realities of modern-day parenting. I provide education on child development, deeper understanding for why kids behave in certain ways, and how to parent your child with healthy boundaries, compassion, and attunement.

Ready to calm those worries?

Get the help your child & your family deserves.